Saturday, December 29, 2007

Dave McSwane, Editor-in-Chief

MAJOR: Technical Journalism
YEAR: Junior

I’m more conservative than most would think. I wholeheartedly agree with the systematic oppression of marginalized groups. I’m a solutions guy, and in my observation of the American political system, I have come to realize the only real solutions might not be what the liberals call “politically correct.” But it’s time we get something done. For instance: If I were a legislator I would propose a piranha-filled, Ebola-infested moat along the Texas/Mexico border. Viola! One of our nation’s most complicated issues is solved, and the American way of life endures.
You see, it’s all about family values. I’ve got them. Don’t really have a family, but I know what they are. That’s why I’m going to Iowa –– to start a family. Thanks, Mitt, for opening my eyes.Oh, I put “Taser This … FUCK BUSH” in the paper once. And I don’t think the military likes me. Me in a nutshell.

Iowa 1st place picks:
Republican- Mike Huckabee. Love the CNN debates. I’ve always wanted a president who can make me laugh … it’ll take a lot of laughs to fill the shoes of W.

Democratic- Barack Obama. Sure, he’s a neophyte, but at least he’s not Hillary.

1 comment:

robcagen said...

Dave, I am so proud of you and the Collegian Crew for all you have done, continue to due, and what I expect in the future. We live in a town of moron journalism where we have to import the news to stay in touch with the "outside". You and your staff have brightened many days for me with your insight and cahones (is that the right spanglish?) You guys put the chin/moore (purposely lower case) pretenders to shame. As a friend of EM's parents I see the apple falling pretty damn close and I can only hope the fruit of my loins can someday do the same. Go Rams. Roberto